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Elite PhysioTherapy Serving 

Welcome to NorCal Physiotherapy, where runners of all levels find relief from common issues like runner's knee and shin splints. Our clinic excels in treating these specific pains, trusted by local running clubs and top athletes. What sets us apart is our dual focus on rehabilitation and performance enhancement, ensuring you return to running stronger and healthier. Choose NorCal Physiotherapy for a pain-free running experience.


Meet One Of Our Runners 

Meet Sam a NorCal Physiotherapy regular who loves to run and ski. He came to us wanting to remedy his plantar fasciitis and posterior tibial tendonitis. 


Our Roadmap to Peak Running Performance

Work with a Doctor of Physical Therapy Every Second of your visit to NorCal Physiotherapy. No Aides, No Assistants, No Technicians. Our Doctors of Physical Therapy will work with you every "stride" of the way as we push to get you back to on the trails. 

We specialize in treating a wide range of running-related injuries, ensuring you get back to the sport you love. Our expertise includes managing conditions such as: Runner's Knee, Achilles Tendinitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, IT Band Syndrome, Hamstring Strains and Stress Fractures


Rehab & Recovery

If pain or injury limits you, we'll focus on healing and recovery. Our aim is to understand the cause, develop a plan for your return, and ensure you resume activities pain-free and without overcompensation.


Train & Optimize

At this point, you should be feeling pretty good. We'll focus on optimal movement and training, aiming for you to confidently say, "I'm feeling great, I hit a new PR!"


Reflect & Refine

Congrats! You're feeling good and living well! Our aim now is to maintain this level, aiding your recovery from intense activities. We'll continually refine your program to help you achieve the extraordinary.  


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